Little update...

by - August 07, 2013

I am such a slacker on here lately. First Ace got sick, then we went out of town with sick baby and ended up coming home a day early.

beach photo: Beach Chairs beach-chairs.jpg
It was actually not too bad, we were staying at a resort on the beach and Ace loved the pool and the beach and it kept him from focusing on his sore throat but the lack of sleep at night was enough to say lets go home a day early after playing in the pool for the morning. I just couldn't handle another night of  a crying toddler in a bed that wasn't mine.

We headed home Sunday and it was so nice to be home.

Tuesday I had a test to get my Florida Teacher Certification! I have to take 3 tests and this was the first one and I passed! You don't get a score it is just pass/fail but I was excited to see the pass on the papers when I left. These are the unofficial scores but I will take it! Two more major tests to go. I am pretty sure I will just be substitute teaching this school year to gain experience then I will try to get a teaching job for next Fall. I don't want to just jump in with no idea what I am doing. I want to really learn about the different schools around our area as well.

back to school photo: back_to_school back_to_school.jpg
Since I am going back to work we decided to put Ace in school. We had been talking about putting him in for at least a part time schedule and I had toured a bunch of local ones and went right back to my original favorite, The Montessori school near us. I just love the way they teach young children. Branden came with me today to check it out and he loved it. We looked at another one near us that had gotten some great reviews but it just wasn't our style.

Wish me luck on all of our new adventures!! Things might be slow around here till my last test on the 21st since I will be studying and getting things ready for Ace to start school but after that I am hoping to be back to regular blogging.

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