Ace's First Day of School

by - August 20, 2013

Yesterday my sweet, crazy, funny, outgoing little 2 year old started preschool. We had gone to orientation but didn't get a chance to meet his teacher since she had a death in the family so we got to meet her and she was so sweet. I really liked her. She has a very bubbly and cute personality.

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How cute is he in his little uniform?

Ace was playing with the toys in the classroom while we got some more information from his teacher and put all his stuff away. After that we told him goodbye and the poor baby got all splotchy and red and whined a bit for us not to go. I felt bad but thankfully he didn't freak out.

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It was weird not having him home with me for sure. I had to do some studying and cleaning so I got that done and then went to pick him up from school. School pick up was a slight nightmare since his school also has an elementary building connected to it. I am hoping today it won't be as crazy since it is the second day.

When I got him he actually started to cry, like he thought I was going to leave him there. They said he did have a good day and was really happy. He used to do the same thing at the gym daycare, he would have fun but when he saw me he'd cry so I wouldn't leave him or something, ha!

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We went to the store and picked up some things for dinner and a cake since we wanted to celebrate my sisters birthday. We didn't get to really celebrate on her actual birthday since Branden was working and she wanted to come by and see Ace on his first day of school. They came by which was fun and Ace was obsessed with the ice cream cake.

Overall his first day was great. I really missed him but I think this is going to be really great for him.

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