What I'm Loving...

by - April 24, 2013

Hey guys! Here is another addition of What I'm Loving...

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1. Recently a bunch of my friends were posting pictures of this adorable little car the Step2 Easy Turn Coupe. It is similar to the traditional Little Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. I loved that you can see your kiddo from the top on this one and it has a handle so if your child gets tired you can push the car for them. They are both comparable in price and I know people love the Little Tikes one but I have to say I am really loving the Step2 Coupe. Either way this is a toddler staple.

2. Ace is obsessed with this Baby Einstein Count and Discover Treasure Chest. It is my favorite toy to use to help him learn colors too. He will take the "coins" out of the chest and put them back in over and over again. I thought  it might be a little young for him but seeing how much he loves putting things into other items I figured it was worth a try and it definitely was a perfect buy.

3. My new camera! Bran got me this ah-mah-zing camera, a Nikon COOLPIX P510. I had been wanting one that was a little better than the one I had before but I didn't want to buy the super expensive ones where you can change the lens because I just don't have patience to learn to use those and this was like one step below that. Bran found a great deal on this one on Amazon. It came with the SD card, case, tripod and a cleaning kit. You can get it with all of the fun accessories here or alone here. It is $100 difference which is still less than it was at Target!

4. I am really into this Sterling Silver Wishbone necklace and have yet to get one but I saw this one on sale for Mother's Day and I think a certain someone may need to get this for me. ::hint hint::

5. Last but not least I am seriously obsessed with these 'Staches Drink Markers if you love entertaining or have a party coming up I would highly suggest these drink markers. Not only are they totally fun but they are pretty hilarious. A great way to add a little something extra to your party.

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  1. Great picks! I'm excited about the new camera I bought this week too. I won't get my hands on it until my mother-in-law comes to visit in July, but nevertheless knowing my photography will improve (hopefully!) is exciting. Have fun playing with your new toy. I've been using a Nikon Coolpix lately too, a camera lent to me by a friend who wasn't using it. It's nice!
