ER & Hospital Visit!

by - April 04, 2013

In case anyone was wondering where I have been I will just let you know I spent the past couple of days in the hospital! Talk about a nightmare. Here is how it all went down.

Monday, I woke up ran errands with Branden and hung out with Ace and had what I thought was just mild cramps. Ace went down for a nap and I just laid around and took a little nap too since I didn't feel great. He woke up so we went to Target and grabbed somethings, came home  and ate took dogs out and I put Ace in the tub. After that I started feeling even worse. I thought it was gastritis which I get occasionally and have had really badly once about 5 years ago. I put Ace to bed and decide to just lay in my bed but that doesn't help, I take a bath and that doesn't help, take some medication, nothing helps. Finally Branden comes home and I try to sleep. By 4am I am in so much pain that I tell Branden I can't handle it, I try a bath again and call my doctors office. They say to go to the ER, I throw up before I get in the car.

I head to the ER, they determine it's gastritis from my previous issues and give me pain meds. After 2 hours I am released and go home and sleep almost the entire day. I get up to feed the dogs and take them outside, my cousins took Ace while Branden worked. As the day goes on I take some more pain meds and they end up making my stomach worse, I am in so much pain my cousin and sister rush over to take me back to the ER. I get there and the same doctor tells me he has to admit me and schedules me for more tests. They ask me to drink this powerade with something in it for a scan but every time I drink it I start throwing up. They take me in without it and determine I have an obstructed bowel which is why I can't hold anything down.

Now here is where it gets even more awful. They show me a tube and say this has to go down your nose to your stomach, its just a little bit uncomfortable. If someone shows you this run as fast as you can! The woman says just drink water while I put it down and you will be fine, ha! I literally start screaming and shaking because it is so painful. I had to keep my head tilted back almost the entire time just so I could tolerate the thing. Then they start sucking everything out of my stomach which finally helps relieve some of the pressure.
This goes on till the next morning. They take the suction part off but leave the tube in my nose. Finally after more tests and seeing that I can tolerate ice chips they took the tube out this morning and I am finally home.

I have never been so happy to see someone than that nurse this morning when she said she was going to take the tube out, I could have made out with her.
SO basically that is where I have been. I would recap Easter but honestly I just don't have it in me so here is a picture of Ace and me at church. Bran of course had to work :-(

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  1. ughh that is awful!
    I am glad they found out waht it was, and that you are feeling better!

  2. hey girl... I finally am ablw to leave a comment (hopefully it works, erww)
    wow girl that is horrible and I hope u are feeling better.
