5 months!

by - December 17, 2011

5 months old! 

Yesterday Ace turned 5 months old! He is such a big boy now. He is such a fun little guy too. He tries to "talk" to us and squeals, laughs, blows bubbles and gurgles. He is really into his hands still and has started bringing toys to his mouth. He loves his Sophie giraffe and round teethers and rings. He still has not rolled over but I am not concerned. I think he just doesn't care to try. When he is on his stomach he kicks his legs and pushes himself forward so I don't think he thinks of turning over and when he is on his back he does turn almost over but then rolls back flat. He will get there.
He also is an amazing sleeper! Last night was the first time he slept from 8:30 to 7:40 without getting up at all. He usually gets up around 5 or 6 and then will sleep till about 8:30 or 9 but I was surprised he went that long. He also can be put in his crib and will usually just fall asleep with little to no fussing. Just now I was holding him and he was getting sleepy so I just laid him in his crib with his blankie (I lay it underneath him) and he went right to sleep.
I feel incredibly blessed to have such a good baby. The first 8 weeks were rough. I never imagined he would be this easy going and happy. I just love him so much.

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  1. Ace is so big!! I cant believe it's been 5 months already :0 Time flies!! You got an award! Check out the post:
