
by - October 11, 2011

I wanted to do an update on my breastfeeding experience with my son. I wish I had known more before going into it but here we are and I feel we are coming to the end of this journey. I love breastfeeding but my son is now accustomed to the bottle and gets annoyed if he wants milk now!

He will latch on and hang out there sometimes but not like before. I wish I had been more comfortable with breastfeeding and able to do it outside of my bedroom, I finally started getting comfortable when he started to get bored with it. I still pump and get one bottle at least a day to him but it takes a few pumping sessions so I am not sure how much more I can handle. Its emotionally draining. I feel somewhat like a failure. I know with the next baby things will be different. I will know what to expect and how to handle it differently, what to be prepared with and what is worth doing and what isn't.
Here are some tips for anyone out there who wants to breastfeed.

  • Know that it takes a good 6 weeks for your baby to get good at breastfeeding in a shorter time.

-Ace latched on and stayed on for hours and would have stayed on all day if I let him, this is important for establishing a supply, I thought I just wasn't creating enough.

  • Try not to supplement but if need be do not give them a bottle, try to feed them with a spoon or an SNS system or even a Breastflow bottle (they have to work to get the milk like they do at the breast).

  • Do not be afraid to supplement if need be, just make sure to really try to stick with the breast and not always go to the bottle, if you do supplement pump everytime you do so.

  • Get a nursing cover and use it at home so you are comfortable using it in public, I have yet to use mine and had I gotten comfortable with it I probably would have been better with breastfeeding anywhere.

  • Have a great support group even if it is an online group, this is what helped me through so many hard times where I wanted to quit.

  • Do not be afraid to cry and vent to your mom, sister, friend or whoever who has been through it, their sympathy, advice and jokes will help you.

  •  Know that if you can't do it, it's ok. I was afraid to say I didn't give him breast milk or he was a full on formula baby before I had him, then my friend who is a hardcore breastfeeding advocate, Le Leche League leader told me that in just 1 tablespoon of breast milk there is so much I am giving him and that I tried my best and to be proud of it. So be proud of just try because it is a lot more taxing then you can ever imagine.

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