Ace at 2 months!

by - September 22, 2011

I am such a slacker! I haven't made a 2 month post yet.

Adonis weighed 10lbs 9.5ozs and was 22 inches at his 2 month appointment.
He got his vaccines which were awful. His legs hurt him so badly that night that he was hysterically screaming. We gave him some tylenol which didn't seem to work but I guess it's because he spit most of it out so finally a couple hours later we gave him some more and he finally passed out. It was the saddest thing watching him in so much pain. I almost started crying. The next day he still needed some tylenol but by later in the day he was better.

Right now Ace smiles although still not all the time which bums me out a bit. He coos and does a lot of ahhs. He is obsessed with my Mom, he stares at her like no one else. He loves his mobiles, he has one over his changing table which is his favorite and one over his crib. He loves being nursed in the morning and sleeping in the Baby K'tan. He has gotten a lot less fussy since we changed his formula to Gerber Gentle. I still pump and nurse him so he gets a combo of formula and breastmilk through out the day.

Oh and if anyone is a Hell's Kitchen fan you might have seen my friend Paul win!!! I am so happy for him. He dated my bestfriend for awhile and so he and I became pretty good friends and we also worked together after they broke up. He is hilarious and a total ass at times but to know Paul is to love him. He is an awesome guy. He is so deserving of this. He is an exceptional Chef and works his ass off. Congrats Pauly!!!

This weekend we are heading up to Daytona to see one of my bestfriends and her family. I am so excited. Then on Friday night we are driving to Orlando and going to Disney on Saturday!!! I can not wait to go with Ace and my friends daughters. We are all super close so it will be awesome to just hang out and see the kids together. Her girls are so incredibly sweet and smart and I just love being around them.

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