It's almost Summer!

by - May 15, 2016

Oh my goodness this unintentional blogging break has been good. Not that I don't want to blog but finding time has been seriously hard, guys! 
This time of year at work is like a crunch time for our seniors, which means crunch time for me. It also is such an awesome time of year too. Having the kids come into my office telling me where they are going to college, about their scholarships and plans has been so exciting. I have really loved this first year of being a Brace advisor. It's such a fun job. Sure, it can be overwhelming at times, like right now, but it is so rewarding.  Now things are winding down so I am hoping to be able to get on here more. 
Now we are making Summer plans and I already feel like we are filled up with things to do. I like to have a plan so we aren't just sitting around but I also feel like time is going to fly. Anyone else plan on taking advantage of the Summer Movies at Regal or Cinemark? We will probably do the Regal ones since our theater now has recliners! It's fun being able to do more with the kids now that the girls are getting older. They also are going to go to "camp" a couple days in the summer. We are preparing them for preschool. They are going to start that in the Fall. My babies are all getting so big! Ace starts Kindergarten in the Fall and I seriously am going to be crying that first day (week?). Thankfully I work with one of my best friends and her son is also starting Kindergarten at the same time so I am sure we will be crying together. Kindergarten Mom's unite! 

Ok I have to get going because my kids are ready to go in the pool! Will update soon I promise. 
If you want to get frequent updates follow me on Instagram. I update there daily. 

But until then tell me your Summer plans in case I need some ideas for free days!

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