
Dreaming of Summer Vacation

by - May 31, 2016

We are in the final countdown to Summer break! I have been pinning Summer ideas like a mad woman. I am dead set on not having a boring Summer. I want to make the best of it because I know it is going to fly by and then it will be back to work and Ace will start Kindergarten. 
 Wow, starting Kindergarten! I can't even believe it. So cliche but it's true. He has really matured a lot the past couple of months. He does so much on his own and helps us out with the girls or cleaning. He is a really good little boy. I feel very fortunate that he is so helpful and sweet. He is still quite the wild guy at times but overall he is a rule follower and listens really well. I was worried about him being one of the youngest when he starts school but his teachers have assured us he will do great because of these qualities. He also catches on to things quickly so another bonus! 

With Kindergarten right around the corner I really want to soak up this time with my kids. I feel like time is just going to go by so fast. I just want my kids to remember Summer as days full of playing in the pool, eating popsicles, movie days and late nights with friends. I have the best memories of Summer and I hope I can give that to my kids as well because it truly does go by in a blink of an eye.


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