A House Divided: Batman Vs. Superman!

by - February 25, 2016

Happy Friday! Who is ready for the weekend? I know I am. It was a super busy week for me. Who is a fan of Batman and Superman? 
I grew up on the hunks so I am super excited for the new Batman Vs. Superman movie. I was actually really surprised by it and wondered how they would make it work. Then I saw the trailer and got really excited. To make it even more amazing is getting to try the new Superman™ Caramel Crunch and Batman™ Chocolate Strawberry cereals

Our house, though, is a house divided. We have the Superman fans and the Batman fans. Ace and Branden are definitely the Batman fans while Ashlyn and I are the Superman fans. Everly is our little tie breaker. She is still leaving us hanging on who she prefers. 

These delicious cereals make mornings much more fun for our little kiddos. Ace loves wearing his cape and eating his batman cereal. Ashlyn and Everly are also huge cereal fans now and these were a big hit. 

Maybe your kids are more of a Honey Nut Cheerios, Trix or Lucky Charms fan?  Don't worry there is something in store for them too. Inside specially marked General Mills cereal boxes are comic books! You can not go wrong with any of these choices. 
 Batman vs Superman
Visit the DC Super Heroes Cereal page for a coupon! You’ll save $1 off of the Superman or Batman cereal from General Mills and you can check out the details to enter a fun contest by striking your favorite super hero pose for a chance to win 20 great prizes.

You can also enter my giveaways HERE & HERE

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