Back to School!

by - August 12, 2014

Who is ready for school to start? 

I have mixed emotions about it. 
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In one way I am so ready for Ace to get back in school, back on a schedule and back to being around his friends everyday. He loves his school, friends and teachers. He does so well there and learns so much. He gets all his energy out and has time for himself away from the babies which I feel is important. 

On the other hand I am going to miss having him home all day. I am going to miss the ease of being able to go somewhere randomly during the week. 
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I think that going back to school for him will actually be really good for the babies though. Everly is very sensitive to commotion. She seems to get overwhelmed easily and I am very much the same way. When things are overly loud and chaotic I just don't want to be around it, I like when things are calm and chill and she definitely takes after me in that way. Ashlyn is pretty easy going but needs a lot of attention from me. She has become very attached to me and gets really upset if I even walk into the kitchen. With Ace being in school I can give more one on one time to each of the girls in a more quiet atmosphere. 

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I feel like summer completely flew by and we had a lot of fun but we are definitely welcoming Fall. 
I can't wait to see all the new things Ace will learn and new friends he will make. 

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So long Summer! 
Is your little one heading to school? If so what grade?

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