Ashlyn at 10 Months

by - August 19, 2014

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You are 10 months old!
Since I have been a slacker and haven't posted your other monthly updates here is what you have been up to the past couple of months…
You say Mama, Bop and occasionally Dada.
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You are super clingy to me and hate whenever I have to leave the room or even walk away from you for a few seconds.
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You hate taking naps.
You love to crawl around the house. You also can cruise on the furniture!
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You are a great eater.
You are obsessed with the dogs.
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Know your name (since about 7/8 months)
Last appointment at 9 months you were 28 inches, 21lbs.
You wear size  12 and 18 months clothes. 
Eat 3 meals a day and have 4 bottles. 
Sleep through the night and take two naps. 
You think Ace and Daddy are hilarious. 
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You love touching Everly's head and stealing toys from her.
Miss Ashlyn you are such an incredible little girl. You still have the sweetest smile and the biggest most beautiful eyes. We love you so so much!!

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