Adoption Q&A

by - October 02, 2013

When we made our BIG announcement we had a lot of questions. Here are some answers to the questions we got.

1. What made you decide to adopt?

Ever since I was a little girl I have believed adoption is an amazing thing. I remember when I was in middle school seeing a 20/20 type show talking about all the children in Florida who were up for adoption. It shocked me. These kids were my age, some younger, some older but not one of them had parents. I begged my parents to adopt a child but at that point in there life they were done adding more children to the family. I don't blame them. It is something as my friend Kelly put it so perfectly that is truly just put on your heart and not everyone has it in their heart and that is ok.

When Branden and I were dating and talked about children I told him I really wanted to adopt a child. He said he was definitely open to it. When getting pregnant didn't come easily for us it was even more clear that it was something we wanted to do. We were open to adopt an older child but little Ashlyn came along and was meant to be ours!

2. Where are you adopting from?

Ashlyn will be born in California. We will be flying out there when she is born and will stay there till the paperwork between California and Florida is finalized and then we will bring her home. This can take an average of 10 days to two weeks.

3. Did you plan it this way so they would be so close in age?

No, we hadn't started the adoption process yet since I had just found out I was pregnant. We then found out someone we know was expecting and it all fell into place.

4. Is it expensive to adopt?

I have gotten this question a lot. I have a few friends who are interested in adoption and this is a very important question when trying to decide if you can even afford an adoption. In short, yes adoption is expensive but thankfully because of our situation it won't be as expensive as it would be for someone going through an agency. Here is a link with some information on the costs of adopting.

5. Are you going through an agency?

No, we are doing a private adoption and only need an agency for our Home Study, the ICPC (to make it legally ok for us to come back to Fl. with Ashlyn) and post adoption visits. We have an attorney who is handling everything else.

6. Did you know the birth Mom?

Yes, we do know her.

7. Will the adoption be open or closed?

We will be having an open adoption. We all think this is the best route to go.

These have been the most common questions I have gotten since our announcement. If you have anymore feel free to ask. 

Don't forget to check out our GIVEAWAY we have going on to celebrate the new additions to our family! 

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  1. So excited for you and your family!

  2. I too have always wanted to adopt (my mom was adopted), and as a child I begged her to adopt..but with 3 girls they had their hands full. I absolutely love that it's an open adoption, I think it makes less confusing (in the long run) for the child, the birth mother still has contact and you get to raise a little princess! I'm so happy for you and your family, Ashlyn is so fortunate to be adopted into such a loving family!

    1. That's awesome Kelly! Maybe one day you will adopt too ;-)

  3. Did you pick the name Ashlyn or birth mom?

    1. Good question, my husband and I picked Ashlyn.

  4. I got a shout out! Woot! Love your growing family! xoxo
