Blue Frog Apparel $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

by - December 13, 2016

A big thank you to Beth from Blue Frog Apparel for gifting me these adorable clothes. I am seriously obsessed!

  Not sure if you saw this post on Instagram but can we talk about how cute this taco shirt is? It is seriously my favorite shirt Ace has right now. First of all the fabric is super soft and I mean tacos are da bomb! 
I was fortunate enough to get some fabulous clothes from Blue Frog Apparel and I am in love with the clothes. Can we talk about the detail on the back of this Chambray Maxi dress? 
Blue Frog Apparel is also a small boutique run by a local Mom, shoutout to Beth, hey girl! I love being able to support Moms who are running their own businesses. I know how hard it can be to get a boutique up and running so please go check out her beautiful clothing. They aren't your typical boutique style clothes either. They are fun and functional. Kids can wear these clothes to school or the playground and be comfortable. They are high quality so you don't have to worry about them falling apart after washing them a bunch of times. 
Then there is this sweet Indigo Heidi dress I put on Ashlyn. I had a similar dress for the girls when they were younger but it shrank up on them so I was really bummed out when they couldn't wear it again. When I got this one I was so excited to put it on them. Ashlyn instantly loved it so she claimed it. 
So who wants to win their own Blue Frog Apparel gift card?! Beth is giving away a $100 gift card to one of my fabulous readers and the entries are super easy so hurry and enter! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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