Shopping Maniacs

by - October 09, 2014

We have been so busy lately! Is October busy for anyone else? We have at least one birthday party every weekend this month. The first weekend was my nephews and he turned 3! Happy Birthday Gav!
Since it has been crazy busy I feel like most of my updates are through Instagram and Facebook. You might want to head over there to see some seriously adorable pictures from Ashlyn's birthday photo shoot. I will be posting them here around her birthday though.
Anyway we have been trying to get our downstairs redecorated. Which means many, many trips to Home Depot for us. It has been such a challenge to find paint colors we like but finally found a grey we like. I made Branden paint the walls 3 times. Poor guy. 
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I have also been super busy hanging out with my sister and new niece Valentina. I am slightly obsessed with her. 
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Ashley and I spend a lot of time shopping together. Our husbands are seriously going to make us stop hanging out because we always come home with a bunch of shopping bags. 
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On that note I have realized how frustrating it is to go shopping with both girls. First of all I am so over the double stroller. It just is so heavy and a pain in the butt to get in and out of the car. It's also so long that it is annoying to use on short trips to the store. 
We were fortunate enough to get to try out the Binxy Baby Cart Hammock. I can not even tell you how much I love this! I wish I had it sooner. 
Everly is still not fully sitting up on her own, for some reason she prefers to crawl and not sit up long enough to actually get the hang of sitting up so carts are not her thing. I also do not have my infant car seat anymore since I gave it to my sister so putting that in a cart when we go shopping was not an option. Also if you put that in the basket and Ashlyn in the seat there is no room for anything you are trying to buy. 

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Diaper bag 
What I used to do was take the double stroller and grab a bunch of tote bags and hang them on the Mommy Hook and fill those up. It worked for shorter trips because I didn't need as much stuff but when I really need the basket or to buy bigger things this was my nightmare. Bran and I always had to go to the store together and then we had all three kids. This was not always ideal because  then we would have two carts and Ace would always be restless after awhile. The girls are much better shopping buddies and going while he is at school means less crowded stores.
Ok so back to the Binxy Baby Cart Hammock.  This is seriously so ideal for us. Everly really likes laying in the hammock and she is super comfy in it. Ashlyn gets to sit in the seat and all of our groceries going under the hammock since it lays over the basket. It isn't even difficult to grab things that are under her when you check out since it's high above all your items. 
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The hammock even fits newborns! Valentina isn't even 7lbs and she fits in it perfectly. She curled up and was so cozy in it. 
I highly suggest this item for anyone with multiple children and one being in an infant car seat. I personally hate lugging the infant seats in and out of the car so my kids were always out of them by 4 or 5 months and before they were really sitting up so this makes putting them in a cart so simple. I used to have to use the carts with the infant seat that basically makes it impossible to see over the cart and also it just felt like those were gross and dirty so I would put a blanket over it but then felt like the blanket needed to be burned after. I know I am nuts. 
Check out their site and seriously get this! I already have two friends that bought them and love it. 
I received the Binxy Baby Cart Hammock for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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  1. This hammock!! I feel like I need one now!! What a cool concept! The car seat in the cart takes up soo much space!
